Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I got suspended at MDC

Gee, what did I do that was so reprehensible that they suspended me?

I opined about a thread that was extremely racist in its content.

There is a poster over at MDC, numom499, that doesn't understand why people of color may be offended by the word, "negroid." and "mongoloid," she claims that they are mere words.

I told her, "so are Asshole, and Retard" but those words, *hurt* people.

I accidentally (honest, it was a typ0) called her newmom499 and she got her panties in a bunch.

So...I called her numnuts, whoops, numom499.

The poor little girl ran to the White Witch of Narnia (commonly known as Cynthia Mosher) and *tattled* on *me.*

I noted that a girl who gets all upset at the substitution of mnut for wmom should understand why a person of color may not like the word, "negroid."

She (I can't help but to imagine a nasal whiney voice) asked why "caucosoid" isn't offensive.

I responded that people didn't shout, "causoisoid" (F-the spelling) as people were being lynched or prevented from immigrating to the US.

Numnuts tattled and I got banned.

Oh, yes, I almost forgot, she called me, "Fat" and "Ugly," but I suppose if you are the right species of wing-nut Fundie, you get to call names without consequence.

I am afraid MDC is going down the toilet.

They really didn't get it. I get banned and the one who "honestly" doesn't understand why the word, "negroid" is offensive walks. And she didn't even start to understand the object lesson I was trying to teach her via that thread.
